The 2018 school sports day was held this year on the village rugby field. A big thanks to the children and parents for their cooperation to make the day a success.
Congratulations to the yellow team!
Liberty Stadium Visit
During the Autumn term, children from year 6 have been working on the Ospreys in the community program. They recently visited the Liberty Stadium where they had a talk about healthy eating, a sandwich making workshop by Warburtons and an interactive tour of the stadium.
Welsh Charter - Bronze Award
The school has been awarded the bronze award for its efforts in promoting and encouraging children to use the Welsh language. We’re already working towards the silver award!
Pendine Outdoor Education Centre
During October, children from year 6 visited the outdoor education camp at Pendine. There, they had oportunities to develop their climbing, absailing and orrienteering skillis along with a host of team building tasks. The children thoroughly enjoyed their time there.
Sony Pencoed Visit
During October, children from Year 6 visited the Sony factory at Pencoed. There they had an oportunity to see how the latest technology was being manufactured. They had a tour of the factory floor, saw how robots helped in the manufacturing proccess and had an oportunity to use a green screen.
Folly Farm
After an exciting half term, finding out about a variety of animals and their behaviour, the children had a succesful trip to Folly Farm, reflecting on their learning.