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Sports Day 2018

The 2018 school sports day was held this year on the village rugby field. A big thanks to the children and parents for their cooperation to make the day a success.
Congratulations to the yellow team!

Liberty Stadium Visit

During the Autumn term, children from year 6 have been working on the Ospreys in the community program. They recently visited the Liberty Stadium where they had a talk about healthy eating, a sandwich making workshop by Warburtons and an interactive tour of the stadium.

Pendine Outdoor Education Centre

During October, children from year 6 visited the outdoor education camp at Pendine. There, they had oportunities to develop their climbing, absailing and orrienteering skillis along with a host of team building tasks. The children thoroughly enjoyed their time there.

Sony Pencoed Visit

During October, children from Year 6 visited the Sony factory at Pencoed. There they had an oportunity to see how the latest technology was being manufactured. They had a tour of the factory floor, saw how robots helped in the manufacturing proccess and had an oportunity to use a green screen.

Folly Farm

After an exciting half term, finding out about a variety of animals and their behaviour, the children had a succesful trip to Folly Farm, reflecting on their learning.